Friday, July 08, 2005

She says...BOHMBACH? That's my husband's last name.

So, yesterday, I had a conversation with the Annoying Person on Earth (let's call him APE). Now, in all my life, I never thought I would have lunch everyday with the APE, but unbelievably, I do. I blame the "work hubby", but that's a whole different story for a later time.

Anyway, I caught the APE and Pierre (my euro-canadian boyfriend) as I was leaving work to head home and they mentioned that they missed me at lunch. Yeah, yeah. Pierre said that he met my replacement, so there. When I asked who it was, the APE said, "I think her name is Sarah. Sarah Bohmbach."

I looked at him through squinty eyes and said, "Bohmbach?"

APE: "Yep, Bohmbach."

ME: "Well, she is probably related to me then. By marriage."

APE: "Why do you think that?"

ME: "Uh, because my husband's last name is Bohmbach."

APE: "Really? My grandma's maiden name was Bohmbach."

ME: "The Red Wing Bohmbach's?"

APE: "Uh-huh..."

It's at that very moment that we both realize we are related to each other. After the nuclear bomb goes off in my brain from the revelation, I just stare at him like this can't possibly be true. He's nodding his head like he has just heard a dirty joke.

PIERRE: "This is the best moment. IN. ALL. MY. ADULT. LIFE."

Me: "Dear god, Pierre, you life is dull."

Moral of the story? Be careful how much you let someone truly amuse/annoy you. They may turn out to be your second cousin-in-law.

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