Friday, December 09, 2005

She said...I love BNL!

So He and I went to the BNL (that's Barenaked Ladies for those you stuck in Siberia) concert yesterday. 4th Row, center...It was incredible!

I have more and more respect for these guys. They are witty and smart (not as much as Lori, though) and truly seem to love what they do.

What I don't have respect for is the drunkard lady next to us that spent all night looking at HIM and slurring, "HE'S SO00000 TALLLLLLL! I CAN'T BUH-LEEEVE HOW TAAAALLL HE ISSSSSSSH."

Um, yeah, he sure is tall, lady. And you smell. BADDDDDLY.

PS> Bonus BNL: I got hit with Tyler's stick as they were saying toodles and the drunk ended up grabbing it before I did. I almost punched her, but my hand hurt from getting clipped by the stick. Fortunately, HE saw a guitar pick that landed on the ground near us, unclaimed, and my oldest son is going to be so excited to get it for Christmas!