Sunday, April 10, 2005

A week that ended with a cherry on top!

My last 5 days have been hectic! Sorry, internet, for not posting sooner.

Anyway, the best part of the week as delivering a GINORMOUS pile of awards I wrote up for my Jaycee chapter, making me a *wee* bit crabby. Heh. It took me much longer than I ever thought, but at least my daugher and I made it to Lori's to have girl's night of fondue fun with her friend (and mine) Sarah. THREE. HOURS. LATE.

Good thing Lori knows I overcommit myself like crazy. But hour-and-a-half old cheese fondue was delicious, and then we made chocolate fondue with half of a $9 can of cocoa powder and half of a $9- 62% cocoa dark chocolate bar (it read: good for baking and eating. I know which I would have gone for!). And cream, delicious heavy cream. I'm entering into hypoglycemic shock just thinking about it again. YUMMMMY....

It was sinful and heavenly with each delicious bite. And they sent home the monstrous amount of leftovers with Nilla Wafers for Josh to enjoy (as he watched the boys last night). It was awesome lukewarm!

Oh, the best part was getting a belated birthday present. The most cute purse with awesome cherry fabric. I LURV IT!

Friends and fondue rule.

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