Friday, December 09, 2005

She said...I love BNL!

So He and I went to the BNL (that's Barenaked Ladies for those you stuck in Siberia) concert yesterday. 4th Row, center...It was incredible!

I have more and more respect for these guys. They are witty and smart (not as much as Lori, though) and truly seem to love what they do.

What I don't have respect for is the drunkard lady next to us that spent all night looking at HIM and slurring, "HE'S SO00000 TALLLLLLL! I CAN'T BUH-LEEEVE HOW TAAAALLL HE ISSSSSSSH."

Um, yeah, he sure is tall, lady. And you smell. BADDDDDLY.

PS> Bonus BNL: I got hit with Tyler's stick as they were saying toodles and the drunk ended up grabbing it before I did. I almost punched her, but my hand hurt from getting clipped by the stick. Fortunately, HE saw a guitar pick that landed on the ground near us, unclaimed, and my oldest son is going to be so excited to get it for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

He said...I'm a Pure Nerd...and proud of it!

Pure Nerd
60 % Nerd, 39% Geek, 21% Dork
For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.

The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer.

Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 58% on nerdiness
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You scored higher than 46% on geekosity
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You scored higher than 27% on dork points
Link: The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test written by donathos on Ok Cupid,

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm a Modern, Cool Nerd!

Modern, Cool Nerd
60% Nerd, 56% Geek, 8% Dork
For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of: Modern, Cool Nerd.

Nerds didn't use to be cool, but in the 90's that all changed. It used to be that, if you were a computer expert, you had to wear plaid or a pocket protector or suspenders or something that announced to the world that you couldn't quite fit in. Not anymore. Now, the intelligent and geeky have eked out for themselves a modicum of respect at the very least, and "geek is chic." The Modern, Cool Nerd is intelligent, knowledgable and always the person to call in a crisis (needing computer advice/an arcane bit of trivia knowledge). They are the one you want as your lifeline in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (or the one up there, winning the million bucks)!
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 58% on nerdiness
You scored higher than 76% on geekosity
You scored higher than 4% on dork points
Link: The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test written by donathos

Saturday, November 05, 2005

She says...He doesn't think it's funny

So I asked if HE thought my blog about our fight was amusing, and he kind of rolled his eyes at me and says, "Well, I did read it and I didn't think it needed to broadcast all over the world like that."

THE WORLD. And he claims I exaggerate!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

He really did say, "...your..."

So there are days that I am up for a fight. I can't really explain it, other than my family fought about EVERYTHING, and therefore I am genetically predisposed to fighting. That must be it.

Anyway, we just got into it because of laundry. More specifically me asking him to do it. It went something like this:

SHE: "So would go down and throw some of my black work stuff in the laundry?"

HE: " Why don't YOU go down and do your laundry? I don't ever seem to do it right, so maybe you should go do it."



SHE: "Fine. I'll go down and do MY laundry."

HE: "Well that's nice. Don't do any of mine."

SHE, smugly: "Well, you told me to only do mine."

At this point I'm pretty proud of myself, I stomp down stairs, sort ALL the laundry and start a load of black. With his stuff in it. I walk back upstairs, and HE is busying himself with changing the toilet seat, which we just bought this evening.

HE: " didn't really only do your laundry, right?"


HE: "Sheesh! I did not! That is not what I meant, and you know it. I can't believe you didn't do ANY of my laundry!"

Now at this point, I know that all 2 of you who are reading this may be wondering why exactly I lied about doing his laundry, too. It's just that I can't let him have the satisfaction of knowing that even though he told me to do ONLY my laundry, that I still did his, too. Because that would be mean.

I know. It makes no sense. But that is just the way it is...for now.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

She says...I'm a no good unemployed bum.

Okay, so I'm only unemployed for 3 days, but it feels really wierd not having a place to call WORK. So I'm sporting Rod Stewart Morning Hair (as I affectionately call it) and it's 12:30 in the afternoon.

Must. Become. Human.

Off to the showers!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

He said...Who knew turning 30 makes you an oldie?

Last Saturday, I found myself in disbelief...and feeling OLD!

While traveling down to Mazeppa for a costume party (where SHE & I finished second for the "Best Costume" with our Plug & Socket costumes), we were scanning the radio, playing "Who Sings It?" - A good game for road trips - Trust me.

Anyway, the scan stopped and we heard some good ol' tunes from the 80's. We started to "Rock Out" and sing along to the likes of Quiet Riot and Spandau Ballet when I noticed that the station the scan had stopped on was none other than...KQQL 108...the oldies station.

NO!!! The 80's are oldies? Since when? I'm a child of the 80's...I'm 30...and apparently an oldie myself.

Nonetheless, we continued to listen to the "Golden Oldies of the 80's" as we continued on down the road.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Another HE says..."That's because I'm French!"

My co-workers response to me exclaiming at lunch today, "Oh my god, that is so rude, Pierre!"

'Nuff said. Sorry for insulting all the cool French folk out there.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

She says, "What's good for the goose..."

...Is good for the gander. Gander Mountain, that is!

So I've given notice at US Bank and I've accepted a position at Gander. I have made some great friends at the Bank, in fact a best friend of two (whether they know it or not). It's bittersweet thing, because I wasn't unhappy at USB (okay, maybe a little unhappy - but that's really no the point), it's just this opportunity feels really amazing!

And I realize that this is the first job I have left BECAUSE I CAN, not because of layoffs or a major family move. And I actually have an executive package and benefits with a great salary. Man, I feel so damn grown up!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

She says...HE WON!

Okay, Internet, I have ignored you for over two months. Not entirely, though, because I did use you for LOTS of information, I just didn't share any of my information with you. Sorry.

After an incredibly busy two months, I can happily say that HE won his bid for the President of the Minnesota Jaycees. YEAH!! It was a 4-way contested race, and he won. In fact he won HANDILY.

I'm so proud of him. Plus I'm excited about being First Lady. Now I have an even better reason to wear tiaras. And pearls...I think I need to add pearls...


Friday, July 08, 2005

She says...BOHMBACH? That's my husband's last name.

So, yesterday, I had a conversation with the Annoying Person on Earth (let's call him APE). Now, in all my life, I never thought I would have lunch everyday with the APE, but unbelievably, I do. I blame the "work hubby", but that's a whole different story for a later time.

Anyway, I caught the APE and Pierre (my euro-canadian boyfriend) as I was leaving work to head home and they mentioned that they missed me at lunch. Yeah, yeah. Pierre said that he met my replacement, so there. When I asked who it was, the APE said, "I think her name is Sarah. Sarah Bohmbach."

I looked at him through squinty eyes and said, "Bohmbach?"

APE: "Yep, Bohmbach."

ME: "Well, she is probably related to me then. By marriage."

APE: "Why do you think that?"

ME: "Uh, because my husband's last name is Bohmbach."

APE: "Really? My grandma's maiden name was Bohmbach."

ME: "The Red Wing Bohmbach's?"

APE: "Uh-huh..."

It's at that very moment that we both realize we are related to each other. After the nuclear bomb goes off in my brain from the revelation, I just stare at him like this can't possibly be true. He's nodding his head like he has just heard a dirty joke.

PIERRE: "This is the best moment. IN. ALL. MY. ADULT. LIFE."

Me: "Dear god, Pierre, you life is dull."

Moral of the story? Be careful how much you let someone truly amuse/annoy you. They may turn out to be your second cousin-in-law.

She says...stop the madness!

Dear Terrorists,
So you think that bombing our infrastructure systems, buildings, monuments and any other symbolic feature, will strike fear into our allies, our friends, our families? Well, maybe for a day, for a week, for a year or longer. And perhaps you think that is a victory. I get that.

But what I don't think you get is that there are more optimists than fatalists, and more pacifists than terrorists. While you're actions will exacerbate the fears of the ignorant minority, I truly believe that you strike resolve in the hearts of most of us who will not let you control our lives, and ruin the rest of the world in the process.

Someday allowing for (and possibly embracing) our differences, versus insisting on a "assimilate or die" attitude, may get you a lot further than where you've gotten today.

For today you have reinforced that your ideal will never be. I make that promise to you and to my children.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

She says..I am HOW old?

I am working from home today, due to some issues with our Xcel utility service. Someone has to be home when they show up, let them take a look in our basement.

So I called into a meeting, and when I announced myself, the leader of the meeting asked before about 10 other attendees, "So how is your gas situation?"

I burst out laughing and said, "Personally, I'm fine. The house is a whole other situation!" That's right, I shared my perception of my colonic fortitude with the group.

Yes, I am 10 years old today. Hee hee. She said GAS.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

She anyone out there?

I know. I'm a whiner.

But it's been a month since I last posted, INTERNET, and no one seems to care. Maybe we're not exciting. Maybe we're too exciting?

Yeah, that's it. We're so exciting that people don't know what to say to us except...


If anyone is out there, please let me know. I think I'm having a "it's not really about me?" realization.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

She says, *COUGH*

Ugh. I'm not sure if I have a severe case of allergies or a cold, but whatever it is...I GIVE UP. YOU WIN, I LOSE!

And I'm not sure if taking cold medication is the best thing for me. Fuzzy in the head Erin vs. Snot machine Erin. Now there is a grudge match.

Either way...I lose.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

She says...VEGAS, BABY!

I just got done packing for Las Vegas. I'm a professed "emotional dresser", so therefore I permit myself to pack twice as many shoes and clothes than I will actually need for my 6 day trip.

I'm going to my first Rational User Conference, where I get to hobknob with the RUP elite. But what is cool, is I am part of the largest RUP adoption in the globe right now. Vendors are really paying attention, and I'm getting all sorts of interesting phone calls and emails with the sole purpose of schmoozing.

I dig my new job. I only wish HE could come with me, since it is almost our 10 month anniversary (or is that monthiversary) of getting the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Elvis, Fountains, the whole works.

Check out the great pictures my sister-in-law took.

I miss the kids and him already, even while he sits snoring on the chair waiting for me to get done, because he doesn't like to go to bed without me. God, I love that man.

Monday, May 09, 2005

He said...*cough*

Getting better...but not completely yet!



Sunday, May 08, 2005

She says....knock that sh*t off!!

He's is not kidding...that motherf*cking cough is getting my on my last godd@mn nerve.

My previous sentence, in re-reading it, makes me consider that I:

1. Am a crabby b*tch
2. Believe I am about to get my period - awesome!
3. Apparently think it is less profane if I substitute characters for letters in real swear words

Having a husband who is constantly hacking like our cat when he has a nasty hairball, on Mother's Day, when you have a ginormous case of PMS, is the BEST EVER.

The. F*cking. End.

Friday, May 06, 2005

He said...*cough*

That's right folks, it is high pollen season and my allergies are going haywire. *cough* And as an added bonus, I have a cold too...lucky me! *cough*

I guarantee that my hacking up a lung every other minute is getting on my wife's nerves, but I truly cannot help it. *cough*

Well, if not my wife's nerves, my co-workers' for sure. I swear that a few of them looked at me today like I was a leper...or maybe that was a hallucination from being on my new allergy meds...who knows for sure? *cough*

Hopefully the tickle in the back of my throat will go away soon. *cough*

I'm not counting on it. *cough*


Thursday, May 05, 2005

He says...

"Mommy, I told my class today that my mom had painted my and Brody's fingernails this weekend. And I also told my class that we decided that only TRUE MEN WILL WEAR BLACK FINGERNAIL POLISH!"

God, I love six-year-olds.

And I'm certain their Dad wants to hang me by my matching black fingernails right now.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The cat is out of the bag!

So it's FINALLY official. I am excited to announce to all of the internet that I got promoted! YEAH!

I am officially the Implementation Manager for the Rational Unified Process Center of Excellence....whew. What a mouthful! My first managerial act was to officially declare to my staff of 11 that they are all "methodology superheroes" and that it is my highest priority to create their new superhero name. PROFESSIONAL, huh.

That's what they get for promoting someone who wears a pink, furry plastic tiara every Tuesday.

Why you might ask? JUST. BECAUSE. I. CAN.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

She Said...

Thank god this past couple of weeks are over. Although I would love to overshare, I just can't. Let's just say it was a roller coaster of emotions, from stressed, to super stressed, to elated, to super elated, to super stressed again.

And I got my period through this whole thing. THAT. ROCKS.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

A week that ended with a cherry on top!

My last 5 days have been hectic! Sorry, internet, for not posting sooner.

Anyway, the best part of the week as delivering a GINORMOUS pile of awards I wrote up for my Jaycee chapter, making me a *wee* bit crabby. Heh. It took me much longer than I ever thought, but at least my daugher and I made it to Lori's to have girl's night of fondue fun with her friend (and mine) Sarah. THREE. HOURS. LATE.

Good thing Lori knows I overcommit myself like crazy. But hour-and-a-half old cheese fondue was delicious, and then we made chocolate fondue with half of a $9 can of cocoa powder and half of a $9- 62% cocoa dark chocolate bar (it read: good for baking and eating. I know which I would have gone for!). And cream, delicious heavy cream. I'm entering into hypoglycemic shock just thinking about it again. YUMMMMY....

It was sinful and heavenly with each delicious bite. And they sent home the monstrous amount of leftovers with Nilla Wafers for Josh to enjoy (as he watched the boys last night). It was awesome lukewarm!

Oh, the best part was getting a belated birthday present. The most cute purse with awesome cherry fabric. I LURV IT!

Friends and fondue rule.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

URL Stealers!

So on a whim, way back in 2001, I bought I know...AW. But I bought it with the dream that someday I would marry my beau, and he would be so impressed because we had our own URL for our wedding, and everyone would love our nifty website.

Well, 9 months after our wedding, I am just starting to put together our website. So I go and look at said URL to "ohh" and "ahh" over it and *gasp* someone else's wedding webpage was there. E-R-I-N-A-N-D....yep, that what it says. I grab Josh, he looks and yep, it's WHAT. THE. FUCK?

So I go to my registry. Log in. It says I own Expires in Sept 2005. OKAY???? So I see I can buy webspace for the URL, so on a lark I buy it at that moment (smart thing I did #1). Next I call RegisterFly. And I wait. And wait. And wait. And put my cell phone on speaker and set it down. And continue to wait.

When I finally get a human, after 45 minutes of waiting, I'm not sure the elevator goes to the top floor with this person. After explaining 3 different ways that I have had my URL stolen by some very nice people in Connecticut, who have no idea what the rage that is building up here in the hinterland, this dim bulb puts me on hold to investigate. While she is gone I go back and flip to a control panel for my account on my registry's website and suddenly the URL DISAPPEARS from my list! And, at that moment that my mouth hits my knee, she gets back on the phone and says I should "refresh my screen" to see the information updated. I tell her no way, because the URL just disappeared and now...I. AM. PISSED.

I ask her to explain to me how that happened and she says (and I quote) "Uh...not sure."

I say, "What do you mean you are not sure? How could I have bought webhosting for through your service an hour ago, if your system didn't think I owned that domain?"

Again, "Uh...not sure."

Now my friends who know me, know my lifecycle of anger. It starts with annoyed to angry to pissed to fuming to this quiet, cool kind of white hot RAGE. I'm convinced that this demeanor could possibly scare Satan into believing in the big J-C. And I'm getting close at this point with this person. This miserable excuse for a thinking breathing human. Okay, she sniffles, so I know she breathes. But thinking is a whole other deal.

After I let loose on her, Dimbulbia mumbles to call back tomorrow when her manager is in. Yeah, right...and wait for another 45 minutes to talk to her Double Mint Twin. So I ask her for her manager's name (Barb) and how to dial her directly. (smart thing I did #2) So I immediately called BARB and let her know that I am extremely displeased with the current situation, and that I expect her to call me back tomorrow. WITH A SOLUTION.

Let the games begin, because IT'S ON!

Monday, April 04, 2005

He Said...

Are you saying that I live life in grayscale? Last time I (was) checked I wasn't colorblind...but that was in elementary school.

Ahhh, I love the title of our allows me to be brief.

I will leave the "embellishing" to my wife.

She Said...

So I decided that with the soon to be "birth" of our website,, that I would create this blog. Honestly, I'm not sure why, except I fear that I've succumbed to peer pressure!

And HE is often telling me that I have a different take on what really happened. This is his really polite way of telling me that I make things up. Lie. Fib. Stretch the get the picture. I like to think of it as embellishing. To add creative or dramatic value. Is that so wrong to want to live a life of technicolor, versus a grayscale, dull existence?

Wait. Don't answer that.