Wednesday, June 14, 2006

She says, "God bless INTERNET!"

So I officially made a boo boo in my car today. See, I have been putting all sorts of new car good conduct rules into place and I still manage to slip up and leave a mark. Three long, navy blue ink marks on my grey leather front passenger seat to be exact.

So after I stopped hyperventilating and got home from my daughter's softball game, I decided to ask my good ol' buddy, INTERNET, how to remove the offending marks. And four minutes later I'm outside, fending off the mosquitoes with hairspray and rubbing alcohol in hand, scrubbing furiously at the quickly vanishing marks on the seat.

Thank you, INTERNET. Now can you also tell me how to remove lipstick prints from a computer monitor, too? Hee.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Introducing HELIOS!

Thanks to all of you that submitted suggestions for our car's name. We love being out and about zipping around in our new car, a Sunburst Orange Chevy HHR.

Doncha love it?! BEEP BEEP!


I read an article today in the Pioneer Press about street painters that are here for the Flint Hills International Children's Festival and image googled "street painters" and this is one of the most amazing pieces of street art I've ever seen!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A conversation with two SHEs that starts and ends with "PEEP"!

She1: "So you know that Peep Lipbalm you gave me last year?"

She2: "Uh, yeah...why?"

She1: "It's sorta tastes disgusting."

She2: "No way - peeps are so delicious!"

She1: "I KNOW. But the peep lip balm? Not. So. Much."

[She2 winces at the thought of giving a crappy Easter present]

She1: "So the funny thing is that when people ask me if I have lip balm they can borrow, THAT'S the one I give them that one to use."

She2: "And do they tell you it's crappy, too?"

She1: "Nope. They just never ask for lip balm again."

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

She says...You have worms!

So I called my friend Lori tonight to get cheered up, and I ended up telling her about my trip to Myrtle Beach earlier this week and how I had enjoyed sushi, only to "enjoy it" later that night, and ended up basically peeing out of my butt for 5 days. I actually celebrated the fact that I had a solid poop just a few days ago.

But strangely enough, I have started to have more problems down yonder, if you get my drift. To which Lori says, "Oh, you have worms! Hee."

Monday, February 06, 2006

He said..."You're crushing my BALLS!"

This is what my littlest he, Griff, said to us while being squeezed on HE's lap. At a restaurant. Out loud. Really loud.

That kid cracks me up.