Friday, July 08, 2005

She says...BOHMBACH? That's my husband's last name.

So, yesterday, I had a conversation with the Annoying Person on Earth (let's call him APE). Now, in all my life, I never thought I would have lunch everyday with the APE, but unbelievably, I do. I blame the "work hubby", but that's a whole different story for a later time.

Anyway, I caught the APE and Pierre (my euro-canadian boyfriend) as I was leaving work to head home and they mentioned that they missed me at lunch. Yeah, yeah. Pierre said that he met my replacement, so there. When I asked who it was, the APE said, "I think her name is Sarah. Sarah Bohmbach."

I looked at him through squinty eyes and said, "Bohmbach?"

APE: "Yep, Bohmbach."

ME: "Well, she is probably related to me then. By marriage."

APE: "Why do you think that?"

ME: "Uh, because my husband's last name is Bohmbach."

APE: "Really? My grandma's maiden name was Bohmbach."

ME: "The Red Wing Bohmbach's?"

APE: "Uh-huh..."

It's at that very moment that we both realize we are related to each other. After the nuclear bomb goes off in my brain from the revelation, I just stare at him like this can't possibly be true. He's nodding his head like he has just heard a dirty joke.

PIERRE: "This is the best moment. IN. ALL. MY. ADULT. LIFE."

Me: "Dear god, Pierre, you life is dull."

Moral of the story? Be careful how much you let someone truly amuse/annoy you. They may turn out to be your second cousin-in-law.

She says...stop the madness!

Dear Terrorists,
So you think that bombing our infrastructure systems, buildings, monuments and any other symbolic feature, will strike fear into our allies, our friends, our families? Well, maybe for a day, for a week, for a year or longer. And perhaps you think that is a victory. I get that.

But what I don't think you get is that there are more optimists than fatalists, and more pacifists than terrorists. While you're actions will exacerbate the fears of the ignorant minority, I truly believe that you strike resolve in the hearts of most of us who will not let you control our lives, and ruin the rest of the world in the process.

Someday allowing for (and possibly embracing) our differences, versus insisting on a "assimilate or die" attitude, may get you a lot further than where you've gotten today.

For today you have reinforced that your ideal will never be. I make that promise to you and to my children.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

She says..I am HOW old?

I am working from home today, due to some issues with our Xcel utility service. Someone has to be home when they show up, let them take a look in our basement.

So I called into a meeting, and when I announced myself, the leader of the meeting asked before about 10 other attendees, "So how is your gas situation?"

I burst out laughing and said, "Personally, I'm fine. The house is a whole other situation!" That's right, I shared my perception of my colonic fortitude with the group.

Yes, I am 10 years old today. Hee hee. She said GAS.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

She anyone out there?

I know. I'm a whiner.

But it's been a month since I last posted, INTERNET, and no one seems to care. Maybe we're not exciting. Maybe we're too exciting?

Yeah, that's it. We're so exciting that people don't know what to say to us except...


If anyone is out there, please let me know. I think I'm having a "it's not really about me?" realization.
